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    Utiliser "puffed up" dans une phrase

    puffed up exemples de phrases

    puffed up

    1. A haughty spirit has caused some Christians to be puffed up and high-minded wanting to

    2. letter to the church at Corinth, Paul said that love is never puffed up

    3. “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up” (1 Corinthians 13:4) NKJV

    4. On a branch, puffed up against the cold,

    5. Red puffed up his feathers; and what of your quarry?

    6. Five minutes later found me standing on the roof, flushing water down the chimney as fast as I could, dodging the steam, soot and odd curses that puffed up out of the chimney-pot

    7. She has brown eyes, and her hair was puffed up, and combed out, not overly formal, or tied up in knots or a bun or anything like that

    8. Then I sort of pushed on the sides of the wrapper so it puffed up with the foil giving it the appearance of a wrapper with a full chocolate bar inside

    9. nor puffed up with uncertain hopes, lifting up your hand against the servants of God; 35 For you have not yet escaped the judgment

    10. priesthood to sale every year: 4 Not at all considering the power of God but puffed up with his ten thousands of footmen, and his

    11. She still thinks that I think the sun shines out of her, but believe me, I stopped thinking that the first time she left me for that puffed up piece of public property

    12. Her eyes were puffed up with crying

    13. 40 The great and mighty clouds shall be puffed up full of anger and the star that they may make all the Earth afraid and them that dwell in it; and they shall pour out over every high and eminent place an horrible star 41 Fire and hail and flying swords and many waters that all fields may be full and all rivers with the abundance of great waters

    14. 33 And though the living Lord be angry with us a little while for our chastening and correction yet shall he be at one again with his servants; 34 But you O godless man and of all other most wicked be not lifted up without a cause nor puffed up with uncertain hopes lifting up your hand against the servants of God; 35 For you have not yet escaped the judgment of Almighty God who sees all things

    15. 2 And when he had gathered about fourscore thousand with all the horsemen he came against the Jews thinking to make the city an habitation of the Gentiles 3 And to make a gain of the temple as of the other chapels of the heathen and to set the high priesthood to sale every year: 4 Not at all considering the power of God but puffed up with his ten thousands of footmen and his thousands of horsemen and his fourscore elephants

    16. 5 Let us offend against men who are foolish and senseless and puffed up in the pride of their own speech rather than against God

    17. Grover puffed up his chest a little

    18. But if he is puffed up by the respect thus shown to him and imagines himself to belong to a high class, he directly ceases to be a Brahmin (because this reflects his arrogance and ignorance)

    19. magician?” He puffed up his scrawny chest

    20. Reginald arrived back at Mooroobool only seconds before Sebastian puffed up the hill

    21. Be not, therefore puffed up with any art or science: but rather fear on account of the knowledge which is given to you

    22. puffed up and think what a genius you are for having the intuition that the tree

    23. The omni boll chewed his cheeks puffed up like balloons, and swallowed before he licked the corners of his mouth

    24. Your face is puffed up and your eyes are like two little peas

    25. Joey bolted out of the bushes with the vines in his hands and the puffed up bag bouncing on his back

    26. S’us puffed up her chest and said, “I have decided I will leave to find my sister, whether you like it or not, Clastaan

    27. are Puffed uP wIth PrIde? soMe ye Call IMPosters, and others ye

    28. Having puffed up his ego by her skill and cunning, Jacko as he called himself, admitted he was not yet at the top of the league but was getting there

    29. One eye was puffed up and almost closed

    30. Antonio puffed up his chest at those words

    31. The bruise on her face was now a large puffed up welt that partly engulfed one eye

    32. · A puffed up and inflated ego

    33. There were three longships out at sea and the wind puffed up the red and white striped sails

    34. puffed up, preening, posing, posturing hacks, individuals whose most profound realization was that

    35. It means ‘pride’, to ‘lift up’, to be ‘puffed up

    36. She was dressed in a potato sack that had puffed up like a balloon around her,

    37. The fluffy, feather-filled mattress230 is puffed up

    38. His tail began to unfold, and the quills puffed up so they were standing on end once more

    39. " He turns to see Goldie sidling up next to him, her wide eyes taking in all the meeting attendants in all their puffed up finery

    40. chest puffed up in pride, said, ‘And I honour that vow to this day

    41. Then, with his chest puffed up, he

    42. dropped his eyes in that schoolboy pose of his, Lucy ignored his flirtations and puffed up his pillows

    43. —se, to grow arrogant, over-bearing,be puffed up with

    44. all hell with his puffed up dreams of going to Northeastern

    45. Their chests were puffed up like the chests of bodybuilders on steroids

    46. Derrick hated how he was standing, all puffed up and smirking

    47. Why? Because male birds are not attracted or interested in human breasts: they are interested in puffed up feathers

    48. 6 And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another

    49. puffed up as though he had been punched

    50. Some of Don Antonio's friends dined with him that day, and all showed honour to Don Quixote and treated him as a knight-errant, and he becoming puffed up and exalted in consequence could not contain himself for satisfaction

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